Introduction: Gorgonzola Dolce and Walnut Crepes Recipe

About: I am Alma Beatrice, a food blogger and content marketing specialist. I was born and raised in Verona, Italy now resides in London, UK. My primary field of interests is food and lifestyle. I wish the world care…

Gorgonzola dolce and walnut crepes recipe, a classic Italian-style delicious recipe combining creamy Gorgonzola dolce, Mascarpone and chopped walnuts.

Read this Recipe @ >>> Gorgonzola Dolce and Walnut Crepes Recipe by Vorrei <<<

Step 1: Ingredients

For the Crepes –

  • 100g whole grain flour (or if you prefer 50g plain flour & 50g whole grain flour).
  • 1 large organic free-range egg
  • 300ml milk
  • Pinch of salt

For the filling –

  • 200g Gorgonzola Dolce cheese
  • 100g Mascarpone cheese
  • Half a cup of chopped walnuts
  • 2 tbsp Cognac (optional)
  • Oil or butter for frying

For Method >>> Gorgonzola Dolce and Crepes <<<