Introduction: Graduation Party Favors

About: First MakerSpace in Pisa. Since 2014.


you need:


-pencil or pen


-corrugated and black cardboard

-smooth and black cardboard


-scissors or cutter

-hot glue

-gold wire



Step 1: Draw Two Cicles on the Cardboard

with the compass, draw two circles on the cardboard: one for the base (4.5 cm diameter) and one for the hat (5.0 cm diameter)

Step 2: Cut the Cicles

cut the cicles with a cutter

Step 3: Draw Two Strips on the Corrugated and Black Cardboard

draw on the cardboard (corrugated and black) two strips: one of the dimensions of 18x4 cm (for the base) and one of the dimensions of 18x2 cm (for the hat)

Step 4: Cut the Strips

cut the strips

Step 5: Paste the Strip (18x4 Cm Size) Aroud the Cicle (4.5 Cm of Diameter)

take the strip of 18x4 cm size and paste it around the cicle of the base (4.5 cm of diameter) with the hot glue

Step 6: Paste the Strip (18x2 Cm Size) Aroud the Cicle (5.0 Cm of Diameter)

take the strip of 18x2 cm size and paste it around the cicle of the hat (5.0 cm of diameter) with the hot glue

Step 7: Paint

paint with black tempera the inside of the base and the hat, and also the underside of the base

Step 8: The Hat

cut a square (8x8 cm size) on a black and smooth cardboard

Step 9: Finishing the Hat..

pierced with the tip of the compass the hat square just made

Step 10: The Tassel (1)

take the golden thread and make thirteen laps around the palm of your hand; cut the wire leaving some leftovers

Step 11: The Tassel (2)

make a knot with the two ends of the wire

Step 12: The Tassel (3)

cut another piece of gold wire of 30 cm length

Step 13: The Tassel (4)

take the wire just cut and tie it to the previous as in the pictures

Step 14: The Tassel (5)

cut the tassel

Step 15: Finish the Hat

pass the two ends of the tassel inside the square hole of our hat

Step 16: Paste the Square

with the hot glue, paste the square on the base

Step 17: the Parchment (1)

take a sheet of A4 format; soak the paper in a bowl containing coffee diluted with water

Step 18: The Parchment (2)

let it dry;

rip pieces of paper the size that interests us and burn the edges with a lighter

Step 19: Finishig

take a piece of resistant wire and attach it with hot glue on the base of the hat

Looping the parchment to the wire