Introduction: Graffiti Flashlight

I've discovered new beamer icodis CB-100 at my friend studio on Sunday. The beamer like a swiss knife. It's really small and no need any extra device cause it include Android OS also. At the time, I have one idea. if I put this small beamer into plastic case of flashlights. It's really looks like flashlights and have custom contents. So I made Graffiti Flashlight.

Graffiti Flashlight is actually really simple android app. It get tweets that is search by specific hash tag. And display white circle it looks like Flashlight. and tweets message slide from right to left. If you move light to right slowly you can feeling find new tweets yourself.

Step 1: Make Twitter App

First, You should make your own twitter app. It's very easy. Check below images and you can make it.

1. Go to

2. Click link to "Manage Your Apps"

3. Click button "Create New App"

4. Fill all field as you want.

5. Select tap "Keys and Access Tokens"

6. Scroll down and Click button "Create my access token"

7. Note your app's Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret

Step 2: Make Android App

You can download all source in github. Please check below link.

Downlaod to

I developed android app for Graffiti Flashlight with Adobe AIR. so you should have a Adobe Flash Builder. If you don't have that. No worry. You can try it here.

And you have to change your twitter app key that made step 1.

And you can change hash tag as you want.

Now you can build and test any android phone.

Step 3: Screen WakeUp

It's not necessary. Tough, I suggest cause almost android set to sleep mode automatically. I want to keep wake up android for using my app.

Download to

ScreenWakeUp is ANE (Air Native Extention) for keep wake up to android. You can easily make your android keep to wake up. Just be careful it's mean it spend your battery really fast~ ;-p

Step 4: Assembly

Now we need two hardware. First one is beamer like iCODIS CB-100 or similar size other smart beamer. and any unused plastic flashlights like below image.

We don't need a lights and battery. We just need plastic case! Separate all unnecessary parts. and Put the beamer that installed Graffiti Flashlight app.

That's it.

Now Play and Tweet with hash tag!