Introduction: Gravity Puzzle

About: I am currently a Junior in high school involved in theater and I am constantly playing with my arduino and love to mod things around the house
in this instructable ill show you how to make a gravity puzzle.
   I didn't come up with the puzzle itself i just wanted to make a box for it. it is a smaller version of the one i saw on youtube heres the link to the video. the physics of the puzzle is no mystery its all about the center of gravity

Step 1: Design

i say thanks to my grandfather who helped me cut the pieces and lent the tools for the box.
i grabbed a smallish piece of scrap plywood and drew out what i wanted on the board

Step 2: Build

puting the box together was sort of challenging because i didn't have a clear plan on construction of the box. if you look closely the pieces are connected at 45 degree angles. the pieces i glued together using wood glue and let it set for a few hours and the lid is a  t-shaped piece it stays on through friction. the nails have no points because i wanted to take it to school to showoff and didn't want to be troubled by the security guards it also gives the nails a unique coloring. 

Step 3: Solving the Puzzle

i put a nail in the top of the box.than put a nail on the table and set the nails in alternating directions. once i got to the end of the nail i set the last one on top of all the others facing the opposite direction of the second nail.once you have the nails placed correctly pick up the bottommost nail with your middle fingers and place the nails on top of the first in the box. if you dident understand my directions well enough i suggest looking through the pictures. if you have any comments, criticisms, or questions please leave them in the comments or pm me.
Weekend Projects Contest

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Weekend Projects Contest