Introduction: Greedo

About: I work in a school as a Design & Technology Technician and enjoy designing and making things.

Who shot first?

print your own Greedo and decide.

Step 1: Design Your Own in Sculptris or Use Mine :)

Designed Greedo in 'Sculptris' ( a great 'FREE' downloadable software for 3D designing)

then saved and exported for 3D printing.

Step 2: Download File and Print

Download the file and print it at the best resolution you have, for all the detail.

Step 3: Remove Any Supports

Just clean him up

Step 4: Paint

I undercoated in grey primer then used acrylic paints to get the result here.

Step 5: 3D Print Problems?

I you don't have a 3D printer contact me or use someone like 3D Hubs ( )



Design Now: 3D Design Contest 2016

Participated in the
Design Now: 3D Design Contest 2016

Sci-Fi Contest 2016

Participated in the
Sci-Fi Contest 2016