Introduction: Green Lamp Project
This is a lamp made from junk parts in your garage and is energy efficient.
Step 1: Gathering Your Materials
you will need the following:
~a light base or base from an old lamp
~ a flouresent bulb(or regular if your not going green)
~ an old cord (extention, computer, etc., as long as it has a standard wall piece)
~an empty 2 liter coke bottle (green looks really cool)
~ a small piece of wood that your light base can fit on
~ nails or wood screws
~tools: wire cutters, screw driver,
~a light base or base from an old lamp
~ a flouresent bulb(or regular if your not going green)
~ an old cord (extention, computer, etc., as long as it has a standard wall piece)
~an empty 2 liter coke bottle (green looks really cool)
~ a small piece of wood that your light base can fit on
~ nails or wood screws
~tools: wire cutters, screw driver,
Step 2: Begin Building
First youll need to drill a hole into the side and bottom of the wood.Cut the wire on the end w/o the wall plug in. Then feed the cord through the side and out the center.
Step 3: Wiring
Now strip the end of the wire. Make sure you have a little less than an inch exposed. Unscrew the wiring screws, make two hook shape with the exposed part of the wires. DO NOT CUT!!!!!!
Step 4: Finishing Up
Screw down the base to the wood. I would recomend making a pilot hole first. Spray paint the wood with a primer, then spray paint down your color of choice. Let the paint dry. Then unscrew th screws a little bit. Cut the 1st inch and a halve from the top of the bottle off. Sqeeze it and put it on to make sure it fits. Take it off make nessasary changes. Now gently screw in the light bulb. Put the bottle back on, and plug the lamp in. Enjoy the light.