Introduction: Green Plan- LED Flower

  • Topic: The Green Flower LED Art
  • material:
  • Arduino Breadboard x1
  • USB Cable x1
  • Arduino UNO board rev.3 (On Arduino Breadboard) x1
  • cardboards (big) (cut into to the size 16.5 x 21)x2(after one cardboards finish cutting into 16.5x21, cut a 3x3 square on the left side up corner) (cut into the size 9 x 21) x2 (cut into the size 16 x 8) x2 (after one cardboards finish cutting into 16x8, cut a 3x3 square on the left side)
  • Solid core jumper wires x6
  • Resistance x3
  • LEDs (Green) x3
  • Wire x7 Tape x1
  • Pencil x1
  • Marker x1
  • Ruler x1
  • Glue x1
  • Box cutter x1
  • Green plastic bottles ( choose the trash bottle from the recycle box) at least need 3~4
  • watercolor (Green
  • Step:
  • Breadboard and Circuit put one wire connect positive to 5V (on the UNO Board)
  • put another wire connect negative to GND (on the UNO Board)
  • pull a wire to connect ~3
  • pull a wire to connect ~5
  • pull a wire to connect ~6
  • Put three resistance on the breadboard
  • Put each three-wire connect to each right leg of the resistance, the wires connect to resistance and positive.
  • The three wire that connects to ~3,~5 and ~6 that the other side of the wire has to be on the same line with the wire that has to connect between the resistance and negative.
  • Take out the solid core jumper wires and the three green LED lights
  • Two solid core jumper wires can support one light, which is can be connected on it and let the light works.
  • Two solid core jumper wires are a group of wire, one leg of the wire has to connect with the left leg of resistance.
  • There are 6 solid core jumper wires, so we have three groups of wire, support 3 LED lights.
  • Three wire legs have to connect with the left legs of three resistance.
  • The long leg of the LED light has to fit in with the left wire that has to connect with the resistance.

How do I cut the bottle:


  • Bottles Box cutter x1
  • Marker x1
  • Step:
  • Prepare a clean bottle Find out the part that you want to cut (I choose the down part)
  • Using the box cutter to cut off the head and the bottom.
  • turn the cutting part upside down (the part that been cut down)
  • use a marker to draw a straight line in each interval you want.
  • Finish the cutting and bending the cutting part and do the modeling the shape of the flower.

How do I make up the bottle flower:


  • cardboard box cutter x1
  • Tape x1
  • Bubble wrap (small) x1
  • Hard paper x1
  • Step:
  • Prepare the breadboard that has to finish the circuit install.
  • Cut the cardboard in the size that is 1.5x12.5
  • Cut the cardboard in a square but similar to an oval (The size is 4x4)
  • Stick the square/ oval shape cardboard, the cardboard has to save space to cut a square.
  • After the other cutting, put the oval shape cardboard into the bottom of the bottle that has been cut.
  • Stick the wires with the LED light to the long cardboard that has the size in 1.5x12.5, using the tape. (Don’t wrap the LED light in)
  • After finish taping the wire and the cardboard, using the tape to wrap the cardboard and the breadboard.
  • Using the bubble wrap to surround the top of the cardboard ( did not include the LED light)
  • Prepare the flower bottle with the bottom of the cardboard, and let the bubble wrap with the wire cardboard stuck into the middle of the cardboard.
  • Prepare a hard paper for decoration Cut the shape of the leaves and stick under the bottle flower.

How do I make the case:


  • cardboard
  • Step:
  • Cut the cardboard into to the size(16.5 x 21)x2 (after one cardboards finish cutting into 16.5x21, cut a 3x3 square on the left side up corner)
  • Cut the cardboard into the size (9 x 21) x2
  • Cut the cardboard into the size (16 x 8) x2 (after one cardboards finish cutting into 16x8, cut a 3x3 square on the left side)
  • Stick all cardboard into a box.
  • Color it.

Step 1: Code/Circuit/Video

Arduino code:

Circuit picture and video