Introduction: Grow Bags

Why grow bags?

1. Some roots breath.

2. When a plant is potted, for too long, the roots circle the pot, sometimes strangling the plant. Rather than becoming root bound and using up all the soil, these root tips would usually die off, when growing through the screen, forming a fibrous roots system, in the shape of a bottle brush.


I have used a heavy duty, Singer 4411 sewing machine on low tension, with a generic needle, but you could technically do this by hand.

Unwanted, synthetic thread, from a store that no longer exists. Sturdier is probably better.

Either window screen, or shade cloth, or both. These materials have been salvaged, so cost nothing.

Step 1: How Many Sides Do You Want.

I find it easier to build this shape, starting from the base, up.

Don't forget to leave an ample seam allowance.

I have used my reverse to make a starting knot.

Neither this shade cloth, nor the screen material, got caught in my feed dogs, It was pulled through, cleanly, with no thread tangled, in the back.

Step 2: Inside Out View.

Here is an inside-out view of my simple grow bag.

I have hemmed the open edge, in hopes of making it more sturdy, but these materials seem to have a high, tensile strength, already.

Step 3: Right Side Out.

Since these are smaller than my hand, I have used a blunt stirring spoon, to turn it right side out, and hide all the edges.

A triangular and square one are shown, because someone randomly presented me with 7 pieces of fabric, and challenged me to make a grow bag.

Step 4: What to Do With Your Grow Bag.

Here is a useful tip, for you brown thumbs:

A nursery plant is oftentimes growing in a 'soil-less' medium, assumed not to attract agricultural pests. Your plant died, because it was taken off the drip system, which was feeding it.

You can actually use any choice of substrate or soil, including peat
moss, saw dust, mineral wool, or even dyer lint -- assuming that you will "fert-igate" with compost tea or hydroponic broth.

In our case, the only rule is that it does not come through openings in the mesh.

Step 5: With These Materials...

You can make:

-- a screened room, to order, for Summer Break.

-- see-through back packs required at some schools, for back-to-school

-- when hunting and gathering, in the Fall, game is sometimes put in ventilated pouches.

Step 6: