Introduction: Guitar BPM

BPM (Beats per minute) is important to beginners of guitar. This device allows you to follow along to the light as you play the song. This tutorial sets the beats to be 56 per minute, however, you may change it to your own liking by altering the code.


LED light x1

Wires x2

Breadboard x1

Arduino USB Cable x1

Computer x1

Step 1: Connect the Wires and LEDs.

Take 1 wire and connect one end to D12 and the other end to the white board.

Take another wire and connect one end to GND while the other one to the negative row.

Take one final wire and connect one end to the negative row and the other one to the board.

Take one LED and connect one in front of the D12 wire.

Take the resistance and connect one in front the GND wire's end and the other one in front of the LED.

Step 2: Code

Upload this code to the Arduino application.

Step 3: Take a Cardboard Box As the Outside

Take the cardboard box and cut a round hole on the top.

Cut one on the side for the hole for the USB.

Step 4: Connect the USB to the Computer

Connect the USB to the computer, then upload your code.

Step 5: You Are Done.