Introduction: Guitar Basics

About: Hello, I'm Coolloom, and I love to make instructables. Please Visit, Comment and Like my instructables I visit everyday and post Instructables twice a month
Hi so this is my first instructable about guitars which im teaching you the guitar basica

Step 1: What Do We Need

A guitar which has fit sound for chords to and picks any color but thin

Step 2: Getting the Tune

So like we have 6 things shaped like a candy don't like move then ur string will brake if it's to tight and get off when it's to loose so make sure you know how to tune

Step 3: The Strings

Strings are the most important part of the guitar there are 6 strings and u know what if u play them to hard they will brake from the bottom

Step 4: How to Play

Okay so hold you by ur right hand and the tuning things like this

Step 5: More

There are 3 parts in guitar like this there are also a main part in guitar they are used to play chords

Step 6: Thank You

I will show more practice songs and chords on my other instructable thank you