About: I consider myself a person that likes always to know about different skills in life. I love physics, 3d animation, modelling etc and I have a passion for turbo-machines, from wind turbines to gas turbines.

*This prototype is part of a bigger collection of other much more big, powerful and with counter rotation features horizontal/vertical wind turbines 3d printed portable devices that are included in our next Kickstarter Campaign and we have updated our site for the events that will arrive soon

We have designed and improved this portable small horizontal wind turbine from one DC motor generator as the second video shows on the top of this instructable to a DUAL-DC motor version to generate more power with more other improvements like doubling the diameter of the turbine blades and incorporating other developments.

It is a light device that uses small DC motors that make it ideal for outdoors activities and what it makes it so special is that it can generate enough electricity to charge iPhones and power banks as well as an educational DIY.

It is very easy to assemble and transport as it is composed by very few units and if you have a 3d printer and multiple small DC motors, it can be build in your backyard an array of this devices that depending of the number it can provide with enough wind a considerable amount of electricity.


Step 1: Bottom Base Options

The supports of the system are of 2 types, the conventional one, which is the figure of the left (the smallest figure) and another supporter that combines with a base holder (White figure) as it is indicated in the supplies section above. The Stl name for this second support that it is inserted in the base holder as it can be viewed in the pics is BottomSupporterToBaseHolder.stl

The best option in my humble opinion is to use a base holder to hold all the device as the picture shows.

As the third picture shows, there you have the two types of items that gives support to the system and on the fourth picture you have the 3d view design version of the third picture,.

For the traditional or conventional support as the fifth picture shows if there is an outdoor activity it can also be hold to the ground using as the sixth picture show a garden staples.

Step 2: Assembly Picture by Picture Using the Conventional Support System and Stl Files

Please follow the pictures one by one in order to assemble the printed items of the device!!!

Step 3: Blades Innovation

As the image shows, we have developed a blade (left) that is wider and have an special structure that gives more impulse than a traditional blade as the one on the right of the pic.

Step 4: Configure the Wind Turbine for the Different Wind Forecasts

The device can be configured for placing a gearbox with range of 10x1 or reduce the hardness of the gearbox if there is not a low of wind available or it is needed to generate more RPM, by changing the gears to a range of 3x1. It can be done also by placing one or two dc motors.

Step 5: Innovation Developing New Counter Rotative Devices

Here you have some pictures and videos showing the developments of this new innovative devices for our next Kickstarter campaign. If you like it, just follow the project to encourage us in this adventure!!!