Introduction: HP Compaq Presario F500 Repair

 Hi! This will be very first tut! I have been lurking for a long time, now its time to contribute!

Difficulty: 3 out of 10
virtually no experience in computer or soldering is needed.

If you fallow these steps and something goes array i am in no way responsible, but i will try to help if you have any problems :)
If you are not gentle and careful you might damage the internals of your machine farther.

GROUND YOURSELF BEFORE TOUCHING ANY OF THE INTERNAL PARTS! (place your hand on a large metal object, you only need to touch it for a few seconds)

Before you start you should be sure this really is the problem your laptop is having. HERE is a link to HP's site, try to see if you can still get your machine professionally fixed for free, better fix.
Basically if you have the fallowing problem this is for you: machine wont start after pressing power button, all lights will come on and HDD will spin and fan will start, but it shuts down after a few seconds and keeps doing this over and over, also no video on computer. 

I know these model laptops also have a bad wifi problem, but this tut will not solve that.

Step 1: Tools/disassembly

- Small flat blade screw driver (for prying)
- Small Phillips screw driver (for unscrewing, and then later screwing :)
- HEX 5.0 MM nutdriver (two 5mm nuts need to be removed. can probably be replaced with needle nose plier)
- Bare light bulb (heat source. I used a lamp)

-Thermal paste
- A clean new penny

I am not going to cover disassembly here, its far too long, but i will link HP's pdf and upload the pdf in case HP takes down their archive

There is no need to take the screen apart, just remove from bottom part of casing

I would suggest placing all the parts in a cardboard box for safe keeping.

In the PDF go all the way down to the "Removal and replacement procedures" section for information on completely disassembling the notebook.

Step 2: Fixing the Problem

OK, at this point you should have all of the laptop dissembled and have the motherboard free from the case and the fan/heatsink.

Find a bare light bulb, i just removed shade and shade support from a lamp.

Take the mother board and place the Nvidia chip on the light buld.
Hold the board above/on bulb for around 5 minutes. If smoke or something appears you have heated the board way too much! I don't think it will smoke though, I used a rather lard 100watt bulb, so don't be too scared with a 60 watt. 
You are just warming up the solder in the chip by doing this, not melting the chip or board!

Step 3: Post Heating

After the 5 minute heating move the board over something that is around the size of the chip. In the picture you can see i used the back cup of a small computer speaker. 

once the chip and the support are aligned press down on the center of the chip, don't be afraid to press with some pressure, just don't press too hard! If it is too hot then use a sleeve of a shirt or press down and quickly let go. After pressing down the center press down on the rest of the chip, make sure to press on all parts, press hard and quickly so the chip and solder do not cool before you are done.

After pressing the chip down enough you are done with the most dangerous part! phew!!

Step 4: Hook Her Up!

Now you should have fixed your problem, but we should make sure its fixed.
Plug the RAM chips into the slots
Plug the HDD into its plug
Hold the HDD and flip the board over so the HDD is on the ground with the board ontop of it.
Connect the power button pad to the motherboard with the zif cable.
Connect the video wire into its socket.
Connect the pad with the charger socket to the board.

Plug the charger wire into the socket and press the power button!
wait for the LED's to turn on!
wait for the compaq logo to display!
If the logo and some bios information come up then you have a fixed laptop. IF it does not appear I don't know whats wrong :/
But if it does not work don't be afraid to ask questions, myself and im sure the rest of the members are willing to help.

Step 5: Can We Build It?

Yes we can!

Now use the thermal paste to make a good thermal connection between the CPU and the heat sink and the Nvidia chip and the heat sink.

In a video i saw a guy put a penny between the sink and the Nvidia chip. Put the thermal paste on the chip, put a penny on top of that, and some-more paste on top of that. Penny, thermal paste sandwich anyone?

Now put it all back together and you should have a running laptop once again!
You should also update the bios once you have her running again.