Introduction: Hair, Eyes, Lips and Clothing Color Changing in Photoshop CS4

In my first Instructable i am going to show you how to change hair, eyes, and lip color in Photoshop CS4

Step 1:

On The first step you have to find a good picture i found this great picture of Pam Anderson.
Once you have uploaded it to photoshop you can go to step 2.

Step 2:

Since you already have a picture(hopefully) you add a new layer and and color the hair white.
then choose soft light.
onto step 3!

Step 3:

once the image is on soft light you can go to image in the menu bar>adjustment>hue and saturation.
once the pop up opens you press colorize and choose any color you want but you might have to move all the bar to get that perfect color.

Step 4:

now that the hair is colored you can do the same thing to both eyes
(in case you forgot: new layer, white brush, color over her eyes choose soft light and go to the menu bar choose image>adjustments>hue and saturation)

Step 5:

Now your done and you can use this technique to tinker any pictures here are the original and the modified. hope this instructable helps

Step 6:

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