Introduction: Halogen Light Hack

About: I like to get creative and use materials for their not intended purpose ! Working as a refinishing technician / painter dealing with high end cars ! Lots of fun spend 90% of my time outside and or tinkering L…
Turning a Halogen light into a more energy efficiant bulb. Converting what used to be 12 volts into aproxxamitly 3.5 V

In this instructable you will need the following
- Hammer
- Halogen bulb ( bought 2 for a doller at dollerama or just found around)
- LED light of your choice or 2
- watch battery or other power source

Step 1:

Take a hammer and lightly hammer the 2 prongs on the back of the halogwn bulb.
The bulb should slide threw and then you can take it out on the other side .

Step 2:

This is what is should look like from the front looking inot the light

Step 3:

Insert LED and attch to power source or in this case a small 3V watch battery i picked up in a 3 pack at dollerama.

Step 4:

Light up and enjoy. Ive hung these in trees with fishing line and gives a modern affect to any surounding.