Introduction: Ham and Egg Ramen: for Those With Very Sparse Refrigerators.

About: I like building stuff. Not much else to say, but that's about it. I was directed here by a teacher, and I think I know what my first instructable will be... How to make a giant LED-faced hammer for use as a co…
Hello and welcome to what I have come to realize is a very time-consuming project. I'm working on another Instructable at the moment, but this just couldn't wait.

I came across this recipe about a week ago while digging through my refrigerator looking for things to put in my ramen. As you can see by the ingredients, there wasn't much at the time. >_> There still isn't come to think of it...

Anyway, get a bowl and chopsticks (or a fork, YOU GAIJIN YOU!) and start cooking!

Or move on to the next step for instructions. Your choice.

Step 1: Procuring Your Materials


For this dish, you will need the following:

Two eggs! (Or however many you want)
A very shallow saucepan or other cooking pot or whatever (if it's too deep, the eggs will be more like eggflower soup eggs and less like boiled ramen eggs)
A package of ham, whatever thickness or curing you want.
A package of instant ramen (it doesn't have to be what's depicted, that was what I had in the pantry)
A bowl
Chopsitcks (or a fork, you Gaijin you)
A teacup
A bag or loose leaves of green tea (or any other kind of tea)

Got everything? Good. Clicky the button and let's get to cooking!

Step 2: The First Step (Of Doom)

Okay, first you gotta get the noodles out of the package. Put them in your trusty bowl and fill the bowl with boiling (or nearly boiling, or maybe just hot) water. Let it sit, you'll be getting back to it eventually.

Now get that really shallow saucepan (I think that's what mine is) and fill it with water almost to the top. Take into consideration that you'll be stirring the water, so you don't want it to overflow. Put it on the stove and set it to boil.


Put the teabag in the cup.

Put hot water in the cup.

You may want to do this while your water for your eggs is working it's way up to a boil.

Let steep.

Enjoy (don't burn yourself!)

Step 4: Boiling the Eggs

Okay, your water is boiling. Now get a spoon (you won't be a Gaijin for this spoon) and start stirring it pretty fast. Next take an egg in one hand (you need some pretty epic skillage or a buddy for this part) and smack it on a table edge to get a good crack in it before taking it in one hand and, while still stirring, crack the egg into the water. Let it kind of cook for a second, but keep stirring (but not as hard, or you'll break all the egg white chunks into little flakes). Break another egg into the water, and let them both cook. Once you think they're cooked enough, like with big blobs of cooked egg white everywhere, take the pan off the stove and set it aside for just a sec.

By now, you're technically done with your eggs unless you want to make a hard-boiled egg to garnish with.

Step 5: Eggs, Water, a Public Service Announcement

Okay, now that you've set the eggs aside go grab your noodles. They should be nice and soggy now, so drain all the water out of the bowl that you cooked them in and grab that bowl of boiled eggs and the water you cooked them in.

As you can see from the picture, you'll be pouring the boiled eggs and the water you cooked them in into the bowl with the noodles. I didn't come to this conclusion until the third time I cooked this particular dish, so I had to drain all the wonderful eggy water out until the bowl wasn't overflowing.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: You didn't put the flavor packet in the water with the cooking noodles, did you? If so, you're going to be in sore need of a new flavor packet as now only your noodles will taste of powdered ramen flavor.


Finally, the step you've been waiting for!

Take a sip of tea, reach into that bag of ham, and pull out a few slices. Now rip them up into little individual chunks and drop them in the ramen. Add more or less ham to taste. I myself am a Meatatarian (it's a life choice, I know), so I had quite a bit of ham in my ramen.

Once you have a good-sized mound of ham in your soup, rip open that little packet of seasoning and dump it in the soup. Doesn't matter where it lands.

Now take your chopsticks (at this point, a spoon or fork would make you a Gaijin) and stir it all together. One more sip of your tea ought to be good...

Step 7: Insert Catchphrase Here!



Add anything else to taste, don't forget your tea, and break out the chopsticks.
