Introduction: Hamster Carrier

About: YouTube channel: The Urban Ape Instagram: @The_Urban_Ape_sfx

This instructable will teach you how to make a cute, easy, and efficient fabric hamster carrier. This can also be used as a cute purse. If you like this instructable please check out my youtube channel below

Step 1: Gather the Materials

You will need:
• a needle
• thread
• 2 different fabrics
• popsicle sticks
• a square/rectangle of cardboard
• scissors
• yarn/a ribbon

Step 2: Cutting the Pieces for the Bottom

Take the secondary fabric (jeans) and trace the cardboard rectangle, then cut (leaving 1/2 to 1 inch as a border. Use that and trace onto and cut the primary fabric (blue) so you have 2 fabric rectangles about the same size.

Step 3: Sew the Bottom

Sew three sides of the fabric squares together (with the pattern/color facing inward on both. Then turn inside out, slip in the cardboard, and see shut.

Step 4: Creating the Sides

Measure the length of the four sides of the square, and then cut a rectangle of the primary fabric with that length. The height should be the height that you want for your bag (plus 1-2 inches). Then sew the fabric onto the edge of the rectangle, so that all 4 sides are attached.

Step 5: Sew the Sides Together

Then you should sew the ends of the fabric rectangle together. This should look similar to the picture above at this point.

Step 6: Sew the Border

Use the four Popsicle sticks to form a square. Sew the Popsicle sticks onto the edge of the fabric, overlapping the fabric. Then sew under the Popsicle sticks to keep them in place.

Step 7: Add Handles

Use strips of ribbon or fabric to create handles in whatever style suits you

Step 8: Embellish and Enjoy!