Introduction: Hamster Habitat

This instructable tells of a cheaper alternative than going out and buying a lot of pieces for a hamster, gerbil, or mouse habitat. I made this instructable without owning a hamster...but I used to have one. So theres not going to be any pictures or the habitat in use.

Step 1: Supplies

What you'll need:
-Toilet paper or paper towel tubes
-glue or tape( I would recommend using something your pet won't nibble at, I am guessing glues can be potentially poisonous to smaller pets.)
-pen or pencil

Step 2: Create

1)Think up and draw out a design for however you plan your cardboard hamster habitat.
2)Cut your pieces out.
3)Fold your boxes and other pieces.
4)Put it all together

For more vertical slopes in the tubes I would recommend cutting little slits or notches for your pet to grab onto. I would also put more than one way never know. Again I would advise against using some kind of glue that would be potentially dangerous to your pet.