Introduction: HandSee

HandSee is a tool that allows the user to navigate obstacles using sensors in the palm of their hands.

Step 1: You Will Need:

  1. Arduino Uno
  2. Arduino Uno Shield with Mini Breadboard
  3. 220ohm Resistor
  4. Logic Level Resistor
  5. TF Mini LiDAR Sensor
  6. Vibration Motor
  7. 9 Volt Battery
  8. Gloves
  9. Velcro
  10. Needle and Thread
  11. Felt
  12. Assorted Lengths of Wire

Step 2: Sensor Set-Up

First, you will want to test your sensors to be sure that they work properly. After confirming that the proximity sensor is working correctly with the code that comes with it, you may begin breadboarding. Once you've included the vibration motor you will be able to use the code shown here to use your sensor with the motor.

Step 3: Begin Assembly

Transferring the breadboarded example to the shield is fairly simple just be sure to pay attention to where your pins are, especially with the logic level converter. After you've completed the transfer go ahead and test it all again to be sure that it works. Now you can begin making a pocket to hold your components to the glove. Velcro is your friend! This will save you a lot of time, and it's a material that allows you to put things together while wearing them. Wearing the glove while assembling it is a good idea because you will get more accurate placement for your components. This is the part where you can get creative and decide how you want your piece to look!

Step 4: Finish It Up!

I like the look of the exposed wires, so my final design has plenty of them. I'm also a big fan of science-fiction and I think this has a bit of that going on as well! Using velcro to attach your vibration motor can muffle the sensation slightly, so be sure to put it in a more sensitive area of the hand. The positives of this modular design are that you can continuously change how it all goes together!