Introduction: Handheld Transceiver (HT) Car Mount

Handheld radios are fun to use, but ham radio gear costs a lot of money. Most people start with a handheld transceiver (HT) before they get larger and more power equipment. This will let you mount your HT in your car instead of having to use a mobile radio. Or, this can compliment a mobile radio by adding more modes of communication to your vehicle. This is not limited to use by ham radio gear of course, commercial and emergency services personel can use this too.

I made this using tools at my local hackerspace/makerspace Bloominglabs.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

1x PanaVise mount
1x 3/4" threadrod, cut to the length you need
1x black hose (to cover the threadrod)
Steel sheet scrap, in this case the side of a PC case
8x 1/4" x 1/2" screws and nuts
1x sheet of black foam
Spray on sticky tack glue
Power shear to cut the PC case

Step 2: Cut Out the Radio Mount

I used a scrap PC case cover for metal. The power shear creates a small amount of waste metal, usually 1/8" wide. However it can make very clean and straight cuts. I made a notch for the belt clip to drop into so that it can't slide side to side. I folded a piece over onto the back side so the clip has something to catch on.

I drilled holes to attach one end of the panavise to the mount. You can see some extra unused holes where I tried an unsuccessful PanaVise orientation.

You might notice that I ground down the tops of the screws. This was so they would not protrude higher than the black foam I attached (shown next to the radio mount).

Step 3: Attach Base to Vehicle, Cut Threadrod to Length

This install required drilling holes in my center console, however a non-destructive alternative is to fashion a mount that attaches at the front-left passenger seat-bolt (on the floor).

I used aluminum foil to "adjust" the fit of the threadrod to the PanaVise ends. The ends split in half and clamp on to a properly fitted rod. A section of black hose cut in length to match will conceal the threadrod and made the install look much more professional.

Step 4: Glue on the Black Foam, Finished!

I got some 1/8" black foam from the hobby store to add a nice cushion to the front of the mount. I used spray on sticky-tac to adhere it. The screws were prevously ground down so they don't protrude above the surface of the foam.

I had intended to just mount one HT and a speaker mic to the base, but I found that a 2nd HT also fits there well.

The mount is rigid enough to not move even during rough driving, and it's easy to adjust by loosening and tightening the T-screws on each PanaVise joint.

I am very satisfied with it so far and hopefully if you build one you will be satisfied with it too.