Introduction: Easy Handmade Wooden Ribbon Box
Want to impress everybody you know? Learn how to make this Handmade Ribbon Box with simple but detailed steps to show you everything you need to know to get you another step forward. This was a very fun project for me, and being only 14 years old, it put quite an impression on the people I showed it to. So, let's get started!
Materials: (pieces labeled for steps)
A. Purple Heart (2.75in. x 0.25in. x 5.50in.) x2
B. Walnut (3in. x 0.25in. x 2.75in.) x 2
C. Curly Walnut (3in. x 0.25 x 6in.)
D. Hunduran Mahogany (5.50in. x 0.25in. x 2.50in.)
E. Alder (5in. x 0.25in. x 3in.) x2
E2. Honduran Mahogany (5in. x 0.25in. x 3in.)
F. Alder (1in. x 12in. 0.25in.) x2
F2. Honduran Mahogany (1in. x 12in. 0.25in.)
Scroll saw
Sandpaper (120 grit-1000 grit)
Wood Glue
Palm Sander
Clear Coat (spray lacquer)
Disc sander (anything else would work, I chose this)
Step 1: Cut Your Wood
The first thing you want to do is cut all your wood to size. This is going to be a small box, so you won't need much wood. All the lengths are below. For the box shape I used: Honduran Mahogany, Walnut, Curly Walnut, and Purple Heart. But you can use what suits you, or what you have on hand. I cut all my pieces with the scroll saw, and refined the edges to be straight on the Disc sander.
NOTE: All these pieces will be labeled to help you out, so pay attention to how they lay out.
A. Purple Heart (2.75in. x 0.25in. x 5.50in.) x2
B. Walnut (3in. x 0.25in. x 2.75in.) x 2
C. Curly Walnut (3in. x 0.25 x 6in.)
D. Hunduran Mahogany (5.50in. x 0.25in. x 2.50in.)
Scroll Saw
Disc Sander
Step 2: Glue and Clean Up
After your wood is all cut to length you can begin glueing the box together. The pictures shown will help configure how it comes together.
Glue sides A to sides B. Make sure sides A are on either side of side panels B.
Glue in panel D to the bottom of your box. Make sure you don't smear glue on your inside wall.
Save side C for later.
Use a Scraper and/ or Hand-plane to clean up the outside.
A. Purple Heart (2.75in. x 0.25in. x 5.50in.) x2
B. Walnut (3in. x 0.25in. x 2.75in.) x 2
D. Hunduran Mahogany (5.50in. x 0.25in. x 2.50in.)
Wood Glue
Step 3: Make Your Bows
So while your box is drying, you can make your bows. These are a bit easy to do, so don't be too scared to give it a try. So what I did was I took pieces E. and E2. and glued them together. You want to make sure that E2. is in between both pieces of piece E. Refer to pictures shown. And at the same time glue pieces F and F2 together. make sure F is on either side of F2. Try not to skim on the glue, because this will need some extra so you get squeeze out, ensuring a good bond. Once it's glued and dry, you can trace your template. This template came from a Scroll Saw Woodworking book, and is 100% photocopy; so you can copy this and use it. Once it's traced, begin by drilling a blade insert hole, and then cutting the OUTSIDE of the shape first. You will need 6 of these, so be sure to take note of that. Once you've cut them out, insert the blade through your entry hole and start cutting out the inside of the shape. Try to be precise on the inside, otherwise; refine it with sandpaper when done. Once your shapes are cut, they should come together. To get them the way you need it, take it to a disc sander and/or sandpaper, and begin refining the outside of the shapes. Try to get it as thin as 1/8 in. or 3/32in. so it resembles a bow.
After you've gotten the bows completed, take the glued F pieces and cut 1/8 in. strips. These you will need in the future step.
Pieces E and E2.
F. Alder (1in. x 12in. 0.25in.) x2
F2. Honduran Mahogany (1in. x 12in. 0.25in.)
Template (see images)
Wood Glue
Drill bit ( 1/4 in.)
Scroll saw (you can use coping saw)
Disc Sander
Step 4: Make the Lid
Now you need to make your lid. I used piece C for this, and made it from Curly Walnut. This will be the piece that makes the whole box "pop". You can see in the images above. SO what i'll do is cut 2 pieces of any type of wood, and make sure they're 5.50in. x 0.25in. x 1.8in.. You want to glue these 0.25 in., top and bottom, away from the perimeter of the lid. Make sure it fits "snug" into the box before the glue fully sets. Once dry put it on the box, you might get some over-hang left from the lid, so you can take that to a disc sander (or of your choice) and mark the overhang, and trim off the excess material. This will need some experimenting.
5.50in. x 0.25in. x 1.8in (wood of any kind)
Piece C (curly walnut)
Disc Sander
Wood Glue
Sand paper
Step 5: Put on the Ribbons
So now that the box is complete, you can make the ribbon part of it! You will need to mark the height of the box, and make 4 strips of piece F. Same with the top, make a strip that goes across the whole width of the lid, and 2 that go across the length of the lid. *REFER TO IMAGES ABOVE* Once done glue the pieces to the box, there should be one on every side of the box except for the bottom. And when dry, clean up the over-hang material.
Piece F
Step 6: Attach Your Bow
Now you can attach the bow! What you want to do is experiment with this step. It's very tricky, so be careful! You need to lay them out, and glue them so there's 5 on the bottom. Think of a star when laying this out. Make sure they're pretty aligned so they don't look sloppy. And once you've done that, glue on your top piece, this piece should cover up the whole entire middle of the bow. You don't want anything to show, and give away the secret of these bows. Once it's setting, go back and tweet with it, position pieces around, because once it's dry, there's no fixing mistakes.
6 bows
Wood Glue
Step 7: Sides of Your Lid.
Now you want to glue small pieces of the strips to the sides of the lid. Make sure they're as tall as the ribbon and lid combined (5/8 in.). You will use pieces from side F. And glue it to all four sides to make it look like the ribbon goes all the way around the box. Then, because I cut these on my scroll saw, they weren't perfect. So i took it to my disc sander, and sanded them down so they were about 2/32in. thick. They have to be kind thin, to resemble a ribbon, but make it as thin as you want, but try to get it to about 2/32 to 1/8.
Piece F
Disc Sander (and/ or sandpaper)
Wood glue
Step 8: Add a Finish!
Now the box is practically done! You can hand-sand it from 400-1000 grit sandpaper, before you apply your finish. I wanted mine to be really glossy, so I chose to use Spray Lacquer/ Clear Coat as a finish. I applied about 3 coats, you can apply more for a better finish, but i went with 3. Make sure to keep shaking the can to prevent the lacquer from coming out in drops, because it will not give you a good finish.
Finished box
Spray Lacquer
Sandpaper (400-1000 grit)
Step 9: Done! Go Show It Off!
And just like that, you're done! I hope you all find this helpful, this was an extremely fun project, and I plan on making more in the future. This project will impress even the best woodworkers, making it the best project ever. All the wood was bought, and is 100% exotic woods. This project was pretty easy, so practically anybody with the right tools could make one.
I hope you all enjoyed this project, but 'till next time, stay tuned, and 'Create Something'.
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