Introduction: Hands Free Transportation Maglev
we created this as a safe way to transport light objects during quarantine it worked really well to deliver a birthday card
7th gradeSupplies
56 flat bar inch and a half long neodymium magnets
Power supply
Led strip lights optional for cool effects
(2) 5 inch by 6 feet ply wood medium grade is OK you don´t want the cheap stuff but you don´t need expensive stuff
plexi glass 5 inch by 6 feet or two 3 feet sections would work
DC motor 2 pounds max
9 volt battery
10 feet of low voltage wire
stop blocks
2 line levels
Card board
Step 1: Lay Out All of Your Supplies
Lay out all of your supplies in piles according to when your going to need them.
Pile one
All of your wood
Pile two magnets and motor and propeller
All other items
Step 2: Put Together All of Your Wood
put your plexi glass on the front the plywood on the back and bottom then the stop blocks on ethier end
Step 3:
Step 4: Lay Your Magnets Down
Lay your magnets down on the track and the bottom of your car with some hot glue Press firmly and make sure thats its dry.
Step 5: Attach the Motor and Propeller
find the center of your car and and the cener of the motor block hot glue it and put the moter and propeller in.
Step 6: Connect Wires
connect wires to motor and power supply pay close attention dont mess around with electricity
Step 7: Test
do a lot of tests to make it work.