Introduction: Handworking Dice

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The Instructable by RobbeC shows how to make a Wooden Die.

This Instructable shows two supporting tools that assist in hand-making dice using only hand-powered tools, which is especially nice as an activity for children, say aged 6 to 12.

The two workpieces assist in keeping the wooden cube in place while working on it:

  1. Cube holder for filing and sanding
  2. Cube holder for hand-drilling

Steps 1 and 2 elaborate on both holders.

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In the next steps the two holders are presented in more detail.

Step 1: Cube Holder for Filing and Sanding

Using a wooden block of at least the thickness of the cube a holder is made, the essence of which is a squared openings that allows to hold the wooden cube while filing and sanding. The round shape at the edge is essential as it gives more freedom to the file. Also, a robust base is good idea. Alternatively, fix the holder firmly on a table using a glueing clamp. Furthermore, the shape of the holder is free to choose (just use what you have in the workshop).

The second holder is introduced in the next step.

Step 2: Cube Holder for Hand-Drilling

A plank with a square hole in it allows to stick the cube in and fix it firmly so it doesn't slip away while working on it, for example when filing or hand-drilling.

Step 3: Pressing the Workpiece Into the Holder

In order to press the wooden cube in the holder a piece of antiskid may be used.

Step 4: License

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