Introduction: Happybirthday Song With Arduino and a Piezo Buzzer
This is a easy and simple project( My frist one). It is only a buzzer that plays the Happybirthday songs in the fourth octave.
Step 1: Elements Set Up
You`ll need the folllowing materials:
-An Arduino uno R3 board
-A piezzo (buzzer)
-A 1k resistance
-Some wires
-USB A-B cable to connect arduino to a pc
-A breadboard
When you get all components, you have the half of the work done.
Now put the piezzo on the breadbord and connect the positive to the digital pin 11, and the negative to the resistance. Then connect the resistance to the ground pin.
Plug the arduino board to the pc and send the code that I hive you to the board.
Press the reset botton and You got it !!!!!eN1kULTC!eQFrcn485TxdXwUpl4JIxg
void setup() {
tone(11, 391.995, 500); // en el pin 11, sol delay(800); tone(11, 391.995, 500); // en el pin 11, sol delay(800); tone(11, 440.000, 500); // en el pin 11, la delay(800); tone(11, 391.995, 500); // en el pin 11, sol delay(800); tone(11, 277.183, 500); // en el pin 11, do# delay(800); tone(11, 493.883, 500); // en el pin 11, si delay(1500);
tone(11, 391.995, 500); // en el pin 11, sol delay(800); tone(11, 391.995, 500); // en el pin 11, sol delay(800); tone(11, 440.000, 500); // en el pin 11, la delay(800); tone(11, 391.995, 500); // en el pin 11, sol delay(800); tone(11, 311.127, 500); // en el pin 11, re# delay(800); tone(11, 277.183, 500); // en el pin 11, do# delay(1500);
tone(11, 391.995, 500); // en el pin 11, sol delay(800); tone(11, 391.995, 500); // en el pin 11, sol delay(800); tone(11, 329.628, 500); // en el pin 11, mi# delay(800); tone(11, 277.183, 500); // en el pin 11, do# delay(800); tone(11, 493.883, 500); // en el pin 11, si delay(800); tone(11, 440.000, 500); // en el pin 11, la delay(800); tone(11, 391.995, 1000); // en el pin 11, sol delay(1500);
tone(11, 349.228, 500); // en el pin 11, fa delay(800); tone(11, 349.228, 500); // en el pin 11, fa delay(800); tone(11, 329.628, 500); // en el pin 11, mi delay(800); tone(11, 277.183, 500); // en el pin 11, do# delay(800); tone(11, 311.127, 500); // en el pin 11, re# delay(800); tone(11, 277.183, 1000); // en el pin 11, do# delay(800);