Introduction: Headlight Clamp for Your Bike
Step 1: Materials
What you need:
1 PVC tee fitting (3/4 in) $.33
1 hose clamp (SS Clamp) $1.15
any bright LED flash light
1 rubber band
1 adhesive rubber $.25
1/8 drill bit and an eletric drill
a coping saw (it's even nicer and faster if you have a scroll saw and a band saw)
optional: 3/4 pvc pipe about 2-5 in, a coupling if you have one laying around in your gargage.
your time (less than 30 min)
Step 2: Draw Your Lines to Cut
draw lines to fit with your flashlight.
Step 3: Cut the Bottom Side First
Step 4: Drill Holes Along the Line (both Sides)
Step 5:
Step 6: Final Product
After cutting, smoothing out all edges, and a good paint job.
Step 7:
Insert the hose clamp (SS Clamp)
Step 8:
Attach the whole thing to your bike handle bar.