Introduction: Heart Box
In this instructable you'll learn how to make an origami heart box. Enjoy!
Step 1: Step 1
Take a square piece of paper.
Step 2: Step 2
Take a different coloured square piece of paper.
Step 3: Step 3
Glue the two coloured pieces of paper together.
Step 4: Step 4
Fold in half.
Step 5: Step 5
Fold the other half so you get 4 squares.
Step 6: Step 6
Fold the points to each other (also in half).
Step 7: Step 7
Do the same with the other corners and you'll get something like this.
Step 8: Step 8
Fold one corner to the middle point.
Step 9: Step 9
Do that with all 4 corners.
Step 10: Step 10
Fold the corners open again so you only see the creases.
Step 11: Step 11
Fold the corners again but then to the crease you just made.
Step 12: Step 12
Do this with 2 corners (The opposite of each other).
Step 13: Step 13
Fold the corner you just made over (this will go easy because you fold the piece with the crease).
Step 14: Step 14
And fold one further so the side touches the middle point.
Step 15: Step 15
Do the same with the opposite side and you'll get this.
Step 16: Step 16
This is kinda hard to explain but i'll try to do it with help of the picture:
Half of the origami you have to fold to the side sort so the part wheremy fingers are touches the middle...
Step 17: Step 17
It will kind of stay like this if you let it go.
Step 18: Step 18
Do this with both sides and it will look like this.
Step 19: Step 19
Then fold it over so it touches the point of the pink triangle on the opposite side.
(This will go easy because we already made a crease here).
Step 20: Step 20
Now fold the the two sticking out triangles to the middle.
Step 21: Step 21
it will look like this.
Step 22: Step 22
Then fold the remaining traingle to the middle too.
Step 23: Step 23
Then fold the whole side that is pink into half.t
Step 24: Step 24
And do this whole same thing to the opposite side (check from step 15).
Step 25: Step 25
Then fold one side open.fold the bottom havefold the bottom have
Step 26: Step 26
Fold the bottom have with the corners in half.
Step 27: Step 27
Make a little fold on the top half aswell.
Step 28: Step 28
Now your heart on top is finished.
Step 29: Step 29
You are done now! Thankyou so much for checking this out and i hope it was fun to make. The last thing you have to do it pull the box open. (pull the two halves of the heart to the sides)