Introduction: Heat Shrink USB Mod
Got some extra heat shrink tubing? Here is a quick and easy case mod for a USB stick! Yes, this is another USB case mod... But don't get upset, this one has never been done before! It's fairly straight forward to do, and pretty cool.
Step 1: Supplies
You will need the following for this project:
- Scissors - $2.00
- Lighter - $2.00
- Large Heat Shrink Tubing (any color, I chose yellow) - $2.00
- USB Stick - $20.00
Step 2: Remove the Previous USB Case
I don't have pictures for this step, so stick with me!
Different USB cases come off in different ways. With some you have to slide a thin piece of metal into the side, then pull the two pieces apart. With others you have to pry it open with a knife. So find a way that works for you. You can be as brutal as you want, because I will not be using the case for this project.
Step 3: Slide, Cut, Heat, Cut.
Now for the "Slide, Cut, Heat, Cut." stage.
Slide the large heat shrink tubing over the USB stick's components.2.Cut
Cut the heat shrink tube about a half an inch from the back of the USB stick.3.Heat
Heat up the shrink tubing with a lighter, the same way you normaly would with wires.4.Cut
Cut the excess shrink tubing from the end. You should leave a few millimeters.Step 4: Repeat (optional)
If you want, you can repeat step 3 as many times as you wish. I repeated it once, but put the tubing a little further back. See image.
Step 5: Done!
So there you go! A heat shrink USB mod!
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