Introduction: Heavy Duty Concrete Barbecue Sideboard
My goal was to make a stable table which can stand rain and weather without problem.
To make your own you'll need:
1 cabinet door (or similar)
Some 1x2 inch form bits and pieces...
1 reinforcment mesh (cabinet door sized)
Some steel wire
4 pcs x 2 inch wood screws
(Enough) fine concrete
4 legs
Step 1: Heavy Duty Concrete Barbecue Sideboard
Make form for the table.
Note the supporting wires to keep reinforcement mesh in place.
Step 2: Heavy Duty Concrete Barbecue Sideboard
Make placeholders for legs.
Place them in a good position.
4 nice screws about 2 inches, will do the jobb.
Step 3: Heavy Duty Concrete Barbecue Sideboard
Pour the concrete in the form.
Step 4: Heavy Duty Concrete Barbecue Sideboard
After concrete has burned.
Remove form.
Attach legs.
You are finished!