Introduction: Hello, Snow Angel!
This activity is used to introduce circuits, conductors and insulators 4th-5th grade. After the lesson is taught I introduced this activity to engage and inspire the students to actively understand how circuits, conductors and insulators actually work together. This activity is great because it introduces all of the components of the lesson and it's interactive.
Small Craft Sticks (Jumbo Craft Sticks)
Conductive tape (Maker or copper)
Small Binder Clips (Medium Binder Clip for Jumbo Craft Sticks)
Coin Battery
Coffee Filters
Scotch tape (used for the wings)
Screw Driver (size 1.6x40mm)
Jumbo Multi colors LED 10mm
Googly Eyes (optional)
Elmer's glue
Angel Template
Step 1: The Face
To create an angel I used the scissors handle to get the shape of the face. Then I free handed the hair and face to look similar to an angel. I cut out the image and traced it on another sheet of white paper to create a template. You may use any digital software to create your template or you may use this template to create your "Hello, Snow Angel!".
I also pre-cut the conductive tape (copper/maker's tape) the length of the craft stick. I also cut out each angel and gave each student one to color. I used the small craft sticks because this is all I had at the time of the project, however it was great for small hands (I believe they could also handle the jumbo craft sticks).
Step 2: The Halo
Apply the conductive tape to the length of both sides (front and back) of the craft stick.
During the process of assembling the angel it is important to distinguish between the positive and negative leg of the Jumbo 10mm LED. The long side is the positive leg and the short side is the negative leg. Decide which side will be the front and which one will be the back on your craft stick. Now slide the craft stick between the legs of the jumbo LED (length wise) until it stops then use conductive tape to adhere the legs securely to the craft stick.
Step 3: The Wings
For the wings we will use a coffee filter. Fold the coffee filter in half and create a visible crease. Then fold the coffee filter in half again (giving us quarters (1/4) of a circle) create a visible crease. Now open up the second half and cut it evenly down the middle on the crease that you made to make two separate wings (Depending on class size you may cut the halves down the crease to give you 4 separate wings). Then at the tip of the wing where it is pointed from the cut; fold it in for about 1/4 of an inch to create a straight line that will be attached to the back of the craft stick with tape.
Step 4: Attaching the Wings
Tape the wings at the seam in the front and back of the angel. Then attach them to the back of the craft stick with more tape. Turn the craft stick to the front and check to see if your wings need to be secured in the front. Use a little scotch tape on the front of the craft stick to give a good connection on the craft stick so that the wings do not fall off.
Step 5: The Glow of an Angel
Now that I have the halo and the wings attached. I will place the Face of my angel just below the Halo (LED). the LED needs to stick out just a little bit to give it the feel on a Halo. Use some tape to secure the face to the craft stick. Now at the bottom on the front of the angel, we will add our battery. Place the battery positive side on the positive side (front) of the craft stick and use the binder clip to secure the battery in place. Please be advised that the students will be working with both hands and may need help when clipping the binder-clip onto the battery and the craft stick all at the same time.Now have the students flip up the binder-clip levers and press the levers on the conductive tape and abracadabra, Hello, Snow Angel- Glowing Halo. Flip the lever down and her Halo stops glowing, saving battery and LED energy.
The binder-clip is also a display stand for your Angel.
Step 6: Enjoy!
This activity has unlimited possibilities such as conductive paints, conductive thread, conductive pens instead of the conductive tape. Give it a try and let me know the outcome. Super excited to hear from you.