Introduction: Hello, World (MAKECOURSE)

This instructable was created in fulfillment of the project requirement of the Makecourse at the University of South Florida (

Hello, World is a simple project based around using the Arduino Board and a few different kit components. The most difficult part is painting the thing.

Step 1: Materials

1. Arduino Uno Board

2. Breadboard

3. (1) RGB Common Anode LED

4. (1) 470Ω and (3) 220Ω resistors

5. Stepper Motor + Motor Driver Module

6. IR Sensor + Remote

7. IIC 1602 LCD

8. 4pin IIC cable

Step 2: Sticking It Together

I apologize for the rather unhelpful Fritzing diagram. I've never used the program before, so I will try to supplement the image with clear textual instruction.

Powering the Breadboard:

Plug the 5V pin from the Arduino to the positive side the breadboard. Ground it by using a wire to go from GND, near 5V, and plugging it into the negative side of the board.

Hooking in the LCD:

Take your LCD and IIC cable and hook it together. Plug in the other half of the leads with wires so that they correctly match GND to the negative part of the breadboard, the VCC to the positive part of the breadboard, and that SDA and SCL are inserted in the top two pins above "AREA" and "GND" on the Arduino, SDA being the closest to the edge of the Arduino.

Attaching the RGB LED:

Since we are using a common anode LED, the longest pin should be connected to 3.5V on the Arduino. The lone pin on the side of the LED is for red, and the other two are green and blue. Red, Green, and Blue should be connected to 11, 10, and 9 in that order. Do not forget to split the connection with the 220Ω resistors between the leads from the LED to the Arduino, else the LED will die.

Connecting the Stepper Motor:

This is the worst part of the diagram, mostly because I couldn't find the exact Stepper I had used. The Stepper out of the basic Arduino kit has a wire connector already installed in it, which easily fits into the motor driver. The motor driver has a series of letters and numbers to the side, and should be plugged in as follows:

N1 -> Pin 4

N2 -> Pin 5

N3 -> Pin 6

N4 -> Pin 7

The +/- pins on the driver should be powered and grounded respectively to the breadboard with female-end wires.

Inserting the IR Sensor:

The IR sensor has three prongs. The middle is ground, so should be connected to the negative end of the breadboard. If the back of the IR sensor is facing you, the prong on the left is to power it, and the right prong is to connect to the Arduino. Simply connect the power prong to the positive end of the breadboard, and for the other prong, connect the 470Ω resistor in-between the wire to the Arduino and the prong and stick it into the negative end of the board. We want to keep the magic smoke inside of all our things.

Step 3: 3D Printed Bits

My project is made of very simple pieces. There is one full, hollow sphere that is the moon. There is a circular opening on the bottom so that the LED can worm through. The pole it sits on is roughly the same size as that hole, but notched to that the moon can safely sit on the pole without gluing it together. The Earth is similarly a hollow sphere with a flat bottom, attached to a disk-like platform that has a notch for the stepper motor to be inserted into it. The lid to the box of my project has two hole for the pole and the disc. The box itself has two squared holes. The front rectangle is to seat the LCD screen, and the square on the side is for the USB cable port of the Arduino to stick out.

When everything gets put together right, the LCD will turn on, and the moon will be able to light as, as will the Earth be able to move.

Step 4: The Sketch

My commented sketch is included as a RAR file. It comes with a variety of .h files used for the IR remote functionality.