Introduction: Helping Hands From Notebook Cooler Pad

About: Master of Information Technology, Universitas Indonesia | SecOps Engineer | A Rhesus(+) | Aries | Photography | Arduino | Computer Geek | Art & Design
This is my first instructable. And this instructable will show you how to build my version of the helping hands tool for soldering.

There are a lot of Helping Hands instructables out there. But for my version is just using notebook cooler pad that I'm not used anymore. It's quite easy to build and there is a LED to light up what you are trying to solder.

Ok, lets get started !!

Step 1: Parts and Tools

Here is all you will need:
- Cooler Pad for notebook
- Some wire that can bend into shape
- Jumper wire
- 4 alligator clips
- 1 LED white
- Resistor 330 Ohm
- PCB Matrix (Stripboard are recommended)
- 9 V battery
- 9 V battery holder with switch
- Shrink tubing
- Male header extended (optional)
- Blackhousing / female 1x1 header (optional)

- Soldering iron
- Solder
- Hot glue
- Mini drill
- Pliers

Step 2: How to Make an Arm

Step 1
Strip the end of the wire

Step 2
Bend the striped wire in the middle and back onto it self

Step 3
Put the wire in the slot of the alligator clips, and bend it around the striped end.

Step 4
Solder it in place for added strength and put on some shrink tubing (Optional).

Step 5
Make 4 of these.

Step 3: Make the Base With Cooler Pad

Step 1
disassemble the fan, to easier our work on the base.

Step 2
Make a hole with dremel (mini drill) for each side.

Step 3
Attach all wires to the hole.

Step 4
use the hot glue to attach the wire and make it stable.

Step 4: Build the LED and Reassemble the Fan

The circuit diagram was made with Fritzing, and the light rod is a led on a jumper wire.

Here are the materials needed for this step:

- 2 jumper wire
- 1 LED white
- soldering iron & solder
- shrink tubing

FOR THE CIRCUIT (optional)
- 2 Male Header (extended)
- 2 Blackhousing / Female 1x1
- soldering iron & solder
- shrink tubing

Step 1
Solder anode and cathode of LED with jumper wire and shrink tubing is essential to prevent shorting.
Twist the jumper wire, to make them rigid.

Step 2 (optional)
Soldering the wire (from the battery) with male header and use the shrink tubing.

Step 3 (optional)
Build the blackhousing / female header 1x1 that attach with the circuit we've been build before.

Solder components carefully to ensure there are no shorts, also ensure all connections are made at all points.

Step 5: Putting It All Together

Hope you enjoy my first instructable :)

Happy soldering !!

Greetings from Indonesia!!