Introduction: Herb Grinder
A far better Instructable will follow this was just our test run:
If youre looking for other projects you can visit our website at were in the process of moving to a new residence so we havent updated it yet and thats why it's taken us a while to come up with a new ible or project in general. But as soon as we do, we'll be back in business!!! Sorry for the low picture quality and the no Demonstration video but we dont have our camera right now (it's at the other place) so we had to take pics with a low 3.0 camera :(
In this ible we show you how to make a small Herb Grinder that you can use at home. It's very easy to make with household items. Keep in mind this is an Herb Grinder and nothing more dont go around using it for bad Herbs! just the good ones.
This was a request we had from Hechktr-g93 so we gave it a shot.
If you to have a request let us know at
Alright lets get started - Step 1!
If youre looking for other projects you can visit our website at were in the process of moving to a new residence so we havent updated it yet and thats why it's taken us a while to come up with a new ible or project in general. But as soon as we do, we'll be back in business!!! Sorry for the low picture quality and the no Demonstration video but we dont have our camera right now (it's at the other place) so we had to take pics with a low 3.0 camera :(
In this ible we show you how to make a small Herb Grinder that you can use at home. It's very easy to make with household items. Keep in mind this is an Herb Grinder and nothing more dont go around using it for bad Herbs! just the good ones.
This was a request we had from Hechktr-g93 so we gave it a shot.
If you to have a request let us know at
Alright lets get started - Step 1!
Step 1: Getting the Materials
You need an Old Altoid Box
A small Electric motor
a small plastic container
a 9v battery
and thats it! were working a much more effective one and it will soon be up here for yall to see. It will incorporate several other materials and a flashlight! to much to describe i dont think we can give it justice to what were building :P see it soon!
A small Electric motor
a small plastic container
a 9v battery
and thats it! were working a much more effective one and it will soon be up here for yall to see. It will incorporate several other materials and a flashlight! to much to describe i dont think we can give it justice to what were building :P see it soon!
Step 2: Cutting the Blade
Grab your altoid box and cut a small square from the bottom part of your Box. You will make the Blades from this square later. Make sure the square is about 1.5" by 1.5"
Next turn the new square over and mark it with an X to find your center of the square. Youre going to drill a small hole into the center of this X so it can fit inside of your mottor axle.
You then need to put a small Cross down the center of your box the cross will be the blades to your grinder. so cut those off and you should have a small Cross set of blades (check teh picture)
Next turn the new square over and mark it with an X to find your center of the square. Youre going to drill a small hole into the center of this X so it can fit inside of your mottor axle.
You then need to put a small Cross down the center of your box the cross will be the blades to your grinder. so cut those off and you should have a small Cross set of blades (check teh picture)
Step 3: Folding the Blades
You can fold the blades into any type of configuration that you want to have. Try it out and find which configuration works best for your needs. we ended up having two blades flat and two of them Facing Up
(not the one on the picture we figured this out after we used it)
(not the one on the picture we figured this out after we used it)
Step 4: Getting Our Container
We used a small BBQ Container for this project to make the holding cell for our Herbs. You can use anything similar to it just make sure you have a cap on the top for easy access. Or a cap with a sprinkle release if you want to sprinkle the herbs onto your food. Which ever works for you
once you find your Container cut about 1" off from the bottom of the container. that is going to be the base of the container and now you need to drill a small hole onto the very bottom of the bottle. THis is where your motor will rest.
once you find your Container cut about 1" off from the bottom of the container. that is going to be the base of the container and now you need to drill a small hole onto the very bottom of the bottle. THis is where your motor will rest.
Step 5: Motor and Container Assembly W/ Blades
Once you have the base of your Container place that ontop of the motor assembly and test it out by placing the 9v battery to the leads of the motor. to make sure the motor spins freely, once it does. you can Hot Glue the motor to the container.
Then place a small bit of hot glue to the tip of the motor axle and place your blades down the axle to about half way then add additional glue to the blad/axle to make sure everything is holding together.
Then place a small bit of hot glue to the tip of the motor axle and place your blades down the axle to about half way then add additional glue to the blad/axle to make sure everything is holding together.
Step 6: Putting the Container Together
Cut small cuts onto the top of the container so it can fit into the base of the container. Once you cut several small cuts you will be able to keep everything in place. and thats, it all you need now is a 9v battery and place that on the leads of the motor and watch it grind!
A more suffisticated version of this grinder will come soon, just come back in about 1 week or so and we'll show you what we made. IF youre looking for other crazy projects that we've made check us out online at
A more suffisticated version of this grinder will come soon, just come back in about 1 week or so and we'll show you what we made. IF youre looking for other crazy projects that we've made check us out online at