Introduction: Hexabot

This project involves the construction of a mobile robot on a breadboard using an open hardware platform Arduino. This robot is able to climb and descend a palm tree, that action will be controlled by a Bluetooth communication between the robot and Smartphone communication. The robot has basic elements of robotics, recyclable material, programming for actions such as climbing, stop, and get off. The Arduino Uno will act read serial port Bluetooth module reception sent by the Smartphone for interpreting and implementing specific action.

Step 1: Physical Design of the Robot

Using the software is designed Sketchup robot
to perform given its 3D modeling facility based on faces. In Figure 3 and 4 it can be seen A preliminary robot to build.

Step 2: Contrucion and Materials

· Smartphone.

· Módule Bluetooth HC-05 master/slave.

· 1 Protoboard.

· 1 Arduino UNO.

· 3 bridge H , L293D.

· 6 gearmotors

· 12 wheels

· 1 battery 11 V, 2200 mAh

· MDF wood.

· Elastic.

· Diodes

as shown in the physical design of the robot use the above materials to build a propotipo as shown in Figure 3, it was necessary to use H-bridge integrated circuit for controlling the rotation of the geared motors and equally necessary to use a battery to power the robot.

Step 3: Programming Arduino IDE

At this stage it is developed in the software Arduino IDE actions to be undertaken by the robot. The generated code is. Ino code Understanding the microcontroller contined in the Arduino board . in figure 4 sofware interface is observed.

At this stage 36 develops code lines amongwhich stands out line 7: "Serial1.begin (9600);" the what the instruction set to the microcontroller communication with the Bluetooth module.

Step 4: Creating Mobile Application (app).

By App inventor software online made the application to use for user interaction - Smartphone, for its ease of programming interface graph. This application consists of a button for direct connection to the MAC module Bluetooth HC-05, up button, one for stop and one for down. In Figure 5 It can be seen that application in the web design program.

Step 5: Bluetooth Application.

The project used a Bluetooth distance no greater than 10 meters bound a mobile application made in app inventor installed on a Smartphone. The Served Bluetooth communication between the

cell and the robot assisting in the processes acceleration engines, investment turning and braking.


• Frequency: 2.4 GHz

• Tx power: 1mW

• Range: 100m

Given the range of 100 m we can see that the losses at this distance would.

Step 6: