Introduction: Hidden Wall Socket Area

About: I'm a Youtuber.


Step 1: Materials

1. Screwdriver
2. Wall socket
3. Brain :P
4. Pliers (Optional)
5. Valuables

Step 2: Find Socket

It has to be one of the TV ones. (or I think thats what it's for)

Step 3: Take Off the Cover

When you find one take the screw driver and unscrew the socket. When you unscrew the socket there is a wire. If you will never use the socket separate the socket and the wire. If you will use the socket again try to move the wire out of the way.

Step 4: At Last!

As you can tell there is a hole/container in the wall. That's where you can store your valuables. Once you put your valuables in the hole close up the socket and no one will know what's there but you. (Unless you tell someone, of course)

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7: Thanks

Thank for looking at this. :) vote for me in the Hidden Places Contest Please. If you enjoyed this instructable then check out my other ones. Thanks again!! :-)