Introduction: Hide It in the Light

Here is a simple way to discreetly easily hide something small that will only cost you a light bulb. This is very easy to make. Not needed but could wear safety glasses just in case.


You will need light bulb, rag, screwdriver.

Step 1:

First wrap your light bulb with rag leaving socket showing. Hold that with one hand, then hold screwdriver a the end with two fingers, snap down hitting the socket in the center with the handle end of screwdriver. The center will blow through with out breaking bulb.

Step 2:

You may have to shove some of the glass into bulb. careful not to break. Also try not to shake the bulb with debris inside. It will take away your camouflaged coating on the inside of your bulb.

Step 3:

Now you can hide your treasures. recommend putting bulb in multi bulb socket or lamp with shade.