Introduction: Hide Your Message Inside the Image

About: Hello guys, Here we are for sharing our knowledge. We are trying to share it to every person.
Hello, i am going to show you how to hide your secret message inside the image.

You can also visit to hide your file inside the image.

Let's Start.

Step 1: Create Message File

Open Notepad [Start >> Run >> Type "notepad" >> Enter]
Type your message which you want to hide in image and save it on deaktop.
Here i am saving my message in msg.txt file.

Step 2: Select Image

Now you have to select image in which you want to hide your message.
Copy that Image File on desktop. [Here i am copying 401.jpg image]

Step 3: Hide Message in Image

Now Open Command prompt [Start >> Run >> Type "cmd" >> Enter]
Now type cd desktop then hit Enter.
Then Type copy /b 401.jpg + msg.txt hiddenmsg.jpg then Enter.

[Note : Here hiddenmsg.jpg is new image file which contain your message.
401.jpg is your image and msg.txt is text file
you have to change this file name in command as per your file name]

Step 4: Done

Thats it...!!! Now you can delete your old file [401.jpg and msg.txt]
Now you can see one new image file on your desktop name with hiddenmsg,jpg

Step 5: How You Can See Your Message

When you want to see your message which is hidden in your Image then Open that new Image file [hiddenmsg.jpg] with notepad.
Go to End of that file. you will see your message there.

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