Introduction: Hiding Place Puzzle Box
Hi I'm Cameron and in this instructable I will show you how to make a puzzle box that is hard to get into unless you know the trick. It's great for keeping stuff away from sisters(-;. Just so you know, you will need lots and lots of cardboard.
Step 1: Cut the Flaps Off the Top of the Box
flip the box upright and cut off the loose flaps.
Step 2: Cut a Straight Line Down the Middle of One Side
exactly what it says: cut a straight line down the middle of one side(;
Step 3: Glue on All the Cardboard Sides Except One
glue on all the cardboard sides except one (don't forget to leave one!)
Step 4: On the One Left Piece Make a Shape Like This
Take one of the box flaps and tape it upright. Take the other one and place it down sideways. Tape them together.
Step 5: Put on the Lid
To make the lid you measure the mouth of the box, then you put the correct sized lines on the cardboard, then cut! Now that that's done, glue it onto the shape you made in the last step (make sure it's in the middle). Now you can slide it into that slot on the box if you want to (I didn't). Don't forget to glue on the little cardboard slip.
Step 6: Put on a Cardboard Rectangle
Put on a cardboard rectangle with a cardboard square on top.
Step 7: Cut a Slim Line on Top of the Cardboard Square
Cut a slim line on top of the cardboard square you put there a while ago.
Step 8: Put the Cardboard Rectangle in the Slot
Put the cardboard rectangle in the slot you just made.
Step 9: Glue the Sides
not the top
Step 10: Put It All Together
slide it all into place
Step 11: Cut Two Cardboard Rectangles
then put them in by the smaller one
Step 12: Glue Something Like This on Both Sides
Then slide them into the back of the box.
Step 13: It's Finished!
now time to unlock it.