Introduction: High Torque Wing Nut Tightening/Removal "Ghetto Style"

About: I work in a D.i.Y style superstore. I am not sure if that is a good thing or not, but it certainly perpetuates my interest in such areas. I enjoy high powered devices of any kind. I do not give in, even…
Ever had a wing nut that would not budge? Can't find a decent set of pliers?
No problems! Just grab a piece of cloth or a tea towel and you have your very own high torque wing nut driving/removal device.

Wrap your piece of material in the applicable direction. This is to ensure that the cloth "bites on" and provides a firm grip.

To tighten the wing nut, wrap the cloth clockwise and anti-clockwise to loosen it.

When starting ensure the cloth "bites on" to the wing nut before wrapping more.

Once the cloth has gained a grip it will hold. Continue wrapping more cloth around, to gain more torque and purchase on the wing nut.

Be careful as you can actually snap the bolt during this process. the force applied by this device is huge.