Introduction: High Voltage AC Generator

About: Rotating magnetic fields generator research, electric motor, electric generators, electric vehicles

simple Ac generator using a 5 V Dc motor , a neodymium sphere 26 mm diameter, pot metal case and external battery 5.1 V

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Step 1: Materials and Operations

1. syncronous motor 230 V inside A4 laminators and microwaves

2. electric car toy which contains 5 V dc motor, plastic connector and power switch

3. 5.1 V external battery

4. wires

5. voltmeter ( Ac measurement)

6. neodymyum sphere 26 mm diameter

7. pot magnet with threaded stem 16 mm


A. remove the coil iron less from the syncronous 230 V Ac motor

B. remove the magnet inside pot magnet threaded stem 16 mm

C. connect the 5 V Dc motor ax to the pot threaded stem case through the plastic connector

D. fix the 26 mm sphere between the poles to the pot threaded stem case

E. connect the wires between the 5 V Dc motor and 5.1 V external battery using a power switch

F. Connect the voltmeter ( Ac measurement ) to the output coil wires