Introduction: Hole in Your Pocket? Duct Tape It!

About: There are some things you should just NEVER do.....

Hole in Your Pocket? Duct Tape It!


Find that your valuables are disappearing from your pockets?

Darn, there's a hole in my pocket! And I don't have time to fix it 'properly!'

No worries! DUCT TAPE It!

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

All you need is:

The 'offending' garment with the hole in the pocket,

Some scissors (If your not the duct tape hand-tearing kind),


Step 2: Locate the Hole

There's that pesky void that swallows all that I want and hold dear!

Step 3: Cut Off About 2 Inches of DUCT TAPE!

Most holes can be repaired with about 2 inches of DUCT TAPE (or more if needed!).

Step 4: Position the DUCT TAPE Under the Pocket

Working on a flat surface, smooth out the pocket and place the DUCT TAPE under the pocket as shown.

Make sure to leave about a 1/4 inch along the straight side of the pocket as shown so the DUCT TAPE can stick to itself.

Step 5: Fold the DUCT TAPE Over

Carefully fold the DUCT TAPE over and align the edges of the DUCT TAPE.

Step 6: Firmly Press the DUCT TAPE in Place

Take your time and press that DUCT TAPE in place. Really smash it down and work it into the cloth.


Step 7: Here Is an Actual Repair That Has Lasted Years....

People might think that this is a temporary repair.

But here is a photo of a actual DUCT TAPE repair that has lasted years.

There now - Now go and fix the World!