Introduction: Home Automation System Using Smartphone and Bluetooth

About: Youtuber | Electrical Engineer | Electronics Lover | Project Developer | Article Writer |

Hello everyone welcome to "Techno-E-solution", In this tutorial I will show you how to make Home Automation System Using Smartphone And Bluetooth. For this project we are going to Use Arduino Nano as a microcntroller and hc-05 bluetooth module for Conncetivity purpose. The Blynk app are used to control the hole system of this project, So without wasting time let's get started...........



I make this Circuit in "Easy EDA" and I also make a PCB Layout of this project. So you can easily make the circuit & PCB.

PCB Tonner transfer Technic

Download Following PCB Layout Print on photo paper.

Download PCB Gerber File:- Click To Download

Next PCB

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If you are want to make PCB go through the NEXT PCB


Follow the following process for Making PCB Using Tonner Transfer Technic.

  1. Take a Single Sided Copper Clad PCB Board
  2. Cut the PCB as per PCB Layout
  3. Remove the dirt & rust from the PCB by using wire scrub or sand paper
  4. Place layout print on PCB & Heat the PCB with the help of Iron for 5-10 Min
  5. Take water in the container & deep the PCB into the water for 5 min
  6. Slowly remove the paper from the PCB
  7. Now take 2-3 spoon of ferrite chloride powder in container with water
  8. Deep PCB into the solution for 5-10 min for etching process
  9. After etching completed clean the excessive tonner from the PCB
  10. Drill The PCB with the help of PCB drill machine
  11. Now place app components on PCB & Solder It
  12. In this way the PCB board is completed.


Let's Setup the BLYNK app

  1. Install Blynk App from google play store.
  2. Create Account On Blynk.
  3. Create New Project.
  4. You will get Tocken on your E-Mail.
  5. Give Name to Project.
  6. Select Device & Connection Type & click on Create Button.
  7. Select Bluetooth, then add 8 buttons.
  8. Give name to Buttons.
  9. Set the Pins.
  10. The app setup is completed


  1. Add Blynk library in your Arduino IDE
  2. Sketch-Include Library-Manage libraries-Type Blynk-Install
  3. Copy Following code & Upload to Arduino Nano (Remove Bluetooth Module)
 * Hello Friends Welcome To Techno-E-Solution
 * Here is the Arduino Code for Home Automation by Techno-E-Solution


// You could use a spare Hardware Serial on boards that have it (like Mega)
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial DebugSerial(0,1); // RX, TX

#define BLYNK_PRINT DebugSerial
#include <BlynkSimpleSerialBLE.h>

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "AuthToken";

void setup()
  // Debug console
  pinMode (12, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (11, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (10, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (9, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (8, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (7, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (6, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (5, OUTPUT);

  pinMode (12, LOW); // Set All Pins Low Beacause At The Starting All Relays get ON, Results In All load 
  pinMode (11, LOW); // Connected Across Relay Module Get Turn On 
  pinMode (10, LOW);
  pinMode (9, LOW);
  pinMode (8, LOW);
  pinMode (7, LOW);
  pinMode (6, LOW);
  pinMode (5, LOW);
  DebugSerial.println("Waiting for connections...");

  // Blynk will work through Serial
  // 9600 is for HC-06. For HC-05 default speed is 38400
  // Do not read or write this serial manually in your sketch
  Blynk.begin(Serial, auth);

void loop()


  1. Adjust LM2596 to 5V and Connect to the PCB.
  2. Connect Relay module to PCB.
  3. Give Power Supply.
  4. Connect AC Load as per above circuit Cirgram.


  1. Open Blynk app.
  2. Turn On Bluetooth.
  3. Click on Bluetooth button & select hc-05
  4. Now Smartphone get Connected to the Home Automation System.
  5. Now you can control 8 Load by using your Smartphone.

Complete Tutorial Video On Youtube

Step 8: NextDFM Software From NextPCB

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