Introduction: Home Built Recumbent Bike
A few years ago I bought this fold up bike at a local army surplus store and it was ok for a while. Later, I thought I'd turn it into a recumbent bike. I was researching them on the web and became really enthusiactic. It took me a month or so to conceive and build. In the end though, I trashed it because it was too small for my body frame anf the gearing on the bike was too low. I thought you guys might like to see it and get some inspiration. I'll be building a new one soon. Let's call this one a learning prototype.
Step 1: Added Fork and Crank
Here's a shot looking down on the fork that was bolted on to the frame and the chain guide wheels I made from skateboard wheels.
Step 2: Chain Guide Wheels
With the longer chain, I needed guide wheels and I bought these replacement skateboard wheels at the dollar store. I filed them down on my drill press and made a groove for the chain. Overall not bad, a little noisy. Next time, I'll try for some sort of wheel tension.
Step 3: Crank Out Front
Here's the pedal crank bolted on the fork. It seemed to work out ok.
Step 4: Seat 1
Basic plywood seat covered with foam and fabric. After riding it for a while, I'd change the position of the foam.
Step 5: Seat 2
Another shot of the seat. Here's the back. I used old seat parts and a photographers clamp for adjustment.
Step 6: Seat 3
Yet another shot, here the bottom of the seat is bolted to the frame. Next time, I'll add some sort of adjustment.