Introduction: Home Control System
This instructable is about controlling your Home Appliances using a Remote Control. I have made this system by combining my previous 7 intructables.
It includes
- An Remote controlled Fan.
- Water Level Controller with automatic as well as manual control.
- Remote Controlled Smart Lights.
- Car Parking System.
- Smart Letter Box.
- Remote Controlled Controlled.
Apart from these you can add many more by yourself.
Step 1: Parts
You will need the following parts to design this system:-
- SIRC Remote control.
- Arduino Board.
- TSOP IR Receiver.
- A DC Motors.
- Motor Driver Shield.
- A Servo Motor.
- LED Modules.
- Obstacle Sensor.
- Water Level Indicator Module.
- Water Level Sensor.
- Ultrasonic Distance Sensor.
Apart from these You will need lots of Male-Female Connectors. You can buy these parts from HERE !
Step 2: Remote Control
I have use the Remote Control working on Sony Infrared Remote Control Protocol. Because it provides Accurate communication, do not requires exact LOS.
Apart from this I have used TSOP at the receiver side to receive IR Signals for further decoding.
If you want to learn what exactly SIRC Protocol is ? And want more details about it then you can refer to my previous instructalble SIRC Remote Control !
The first step of this system is Selecting the Keys on the Remote you want to use for different - different instruments.
Suppose you want to use the "1" for switching ON the Fan, then first connect the TSOP signal pin to Analog pin 0 on Arduino. Then first upload the program that I have attached with this Step, open the serial monitor press the key 1. You will see a decimal value getting printed on Serial Monitor. Note that Value and According do the Changes in the Final Program.
For example Let I have used key "5" for Fan Control giving me the Readings 136 on Serial monitor and you want to use key "1" giving the Readings 155 on Serial Monitor. So you need to replace all the 136's by all 155's, in the final Program.
Like wise You need to select total 16 Keys.
- 2 For Water Level Manual Control.
- 2 For Fan ON-OFF and 5 For Direction Change.
- 2 For Light ON-OFF and 2 for Brightness Control.
- 1 For Letter Box Indicator Reset.
- 2 for Curtain Control.
Step 3: Smart Fan
Traditional fans are not directive, we like to stay only that place where we find maximum cooling of fan. So the concept of smart fan is to make it directive and easy controllable with remote or mobile.
We can also control its speed with the help remote. For our project, we had place DC motor on the servo motor.
The position of servo motor is decided by remote via arduino which allow to change the direction of DC motor. At the same time speed of DC motor can also be controlled by arduino and remote. Though smart fan concept is not realizable but in future it may be possible that this will evolve new invention in technology field.
Mount the DC Motor on the Servo motor. So the servo motor works for the Direction and the DC Motor works as Fan. You can Mount it by using a single Thread Wire.
Connect the wires of DC Motor to the output pins of the Motor Driver. Connect the input pins of the Motor Driver to the Digital Pin 1 and another one to the ground of the Arduino Board. Connect the Positive (+ Ve) terminal of the Servo Motor to the Digital Pin 9 and another on to the Ground of an Arduino Board.
The ON-OFF of the DC Motor is controlled by Digital Pin 1.
The direction is controlled using the Servo Motor.
(Note: Please remove the connections of the DC Motor while Programming if you are using the Pin number 1 as this pin is used for the serial communication between Programmer and AtMega.)
For More Details please refer to my Previous instructable Remote Controlled Smart Fan !
Step 4: Curtains
Opening and closing of curtain make a person tired. As if are sitting far from curtain and we want to open/close the curtain, then it will be boring working to stand up go there and open/close curtain. So automatic curtain allows the person to control the curtain from far by remote button or mobile.
If you want to make a Extra Cart board arrange for it as shown in Picture, but if you want to apply it for real curtain than you just need to Connect the shaft of the Curtain directly with the DC motor for Rotation.
Connect the Terminals of the DC Motor to the Output pins of the Motor driver or to the output pins of the Relay Module.
Connect the Input pins of the Motor driver Module to the Digital pins 7 & 8 of Arduino Board.
For More information on this Refer to my previous Instructable Remote Controlled Curtain !
Step 5: Car Parking System
Parking sensors use a type of sonar. The term sonar is an acronym for sound navigation and radar; it's used for calculating the distance and/or direction of an object from the time it takes for a sound wave to travel to the target and back.
An ultrasonic sensor is a speaker or microphone that emits or receives ultrasound. There is also a type that can handle both emission and reception.
Vehicle parking sensors are equipped with this type of sensor. Ultrasound sensors initially found use in vehicles for detecting obstacles when parking but it is now evolving into an automatic parking system.
Connect the Pins as follows:-
- Pin Echo (Ultrasound) to Pin 4 of Arduino Board Pin trig (Ultrasound) to Pin 5 of Arduino Board
- Connect the Signal / Enable pin of LED Module to Pin 6 of An Arduino Board.
- Apart from this Provide +5 volt and Ground to both the Modules from Arduino.
This Parking system will show you an Indication by Buzzer or Red Light. Whenever the Car will be at enough distance from the wall it will indicate you.Here I have used RGB LED Module with the LED's Red terminal Connect to the Digital Pin 6.
For more information on this Refer to my previous Instructable Reverse Car Parking System !
Step 6: Water Level Control
You will need to Make or BUY Water level Indicator & Water Level Sensor for Automatic as well as Manual control on Water Level in tank. For more information about it please refer to my previous instructable Water Level Indicator & Controller !
You need to connect the the Indicator's Topmost & bottom levels to the Analog pins 3 and 4. Make the Ground Common between Indicator and Arduino Board. (Do not give +5 volt to indicator from Arduino as the indicator will draw large current. You need to connect 9 volt batter to the indicator module externally).
Step 7: Smart Lights
The concept of smart lights is very innovative concept, which fulfills our requirements with the minimum energy consumption.
Using this Project you can make a Light that can be turned ON-OFF using A Remote Control. Apart from switching ON & OFF You can also set the Brightness of the Lights from the Remote Control.
Here I have used the RGB LED Module & Green Light for Controlling the Brightness. You can also used White LED for controlling the Brightness. You Need to Provide Ground to LED Module from Arduino Board. And Connect the Green pin of the Module to the Digital Pin 3 of an Arduino Board.
It works based on the principles of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). By pressing the particular button on the remote, the light turns on. After that the intensity of light can be controlled by using + and – buttons on the remote. Actually by pressing these buttons we are increasing/decreasing the PWM count i.e. varying the duty cycle and thus varying the intensity.
PWM: - By varying the pulse width actually we are varying the average voltage.
For more information on this Refer to my previous Instructable Remote Controlled Smart Lights !
Step 8: Smart Letter Box
Letter box system is actually an indicating system, it shows indications whenever there arrives latter in the letter box. It works using on the concept of Obstacle detection. In this arrangement IR Transmitter & IR Receiver are placed near to each other whenever any obstacle (Letter in our case) comes in front if this arrangement the rays gets reflected and thus we get the output as HIGH.
Thus we have detected the Letter in the Box.
Stick as Obstacle Sensor Module as shown here in the Letter Box i.e Just 2-3 below the Window inside the Box. And mount the LED Module on the Top of Letter Box, for indication.
Provide the +5 volt and Ground to an Obstacle sensor Module from Arduino Board. No need to connect any thing in Enable Pin of the Module. And connect the output pin to the Digital Pin 2 of Arduino Board. Connect the +5 volt & Ground of LED Module from an Arduino Board. And connect the B (For Blue Light) to the Digital Pin 10 of Arduino Board.
For more information on this Refer to my previous Instructable Smart Letter Box !
Step 9: Finally Done
Finally upload the Code attached here by doing some of the changes in it. You need to change the Remote Key values, Just Replace it by the values of the keys you have selected after doing all the Connections specified in the previous Steps.
This Code is made by combining the Codes of all the previous instructables.
Note: I have used here Induino R3 Board a made in India Board which we can say as Hybrid version of Arduino containing many of the inbuilt features in it. As while using Original Arduino Board I fall in the shortage of that many Vcc and Ground. So you need to take care about this.