Introduction: Home Improvement Store: Metal Rose
So far all the metal roses I've seen on websites require more tools then a lot of people have access to. I was inspired by the metal roses on Instructables, but they had steps that novices might think is not in their wheelhouse. So, I designed a rose that the materials are either available at home or easily acquired at a home improvement store and used tools that new makers probably already own.
Step 1: Tools and Materials
All the materials should be readily available at the home depot. Here are the Products I used down below.
Needle Nose Pliers $6.82
11mm $1.97 or 7/16" $2.49 open ended wrenches x 2
Hand Drill or Drill Press
HDX Tin snips $9.88
Gloves 10 pairs for $10.00
1/4 inch Drill Bit $4.97
Threaded rod 1\4"x 20 x 12" x 12 $0.98
1\4"x 20 nuts (25 Pack) $1.47
Lock washers (18 Pack) 1.18
Step 2: Print and Cut Out the Templates
I have made up templates that you can print on a regular 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. Print and cut them out for tracing on the metal sheet.
Step 3: Tracing
Layout the templates you cut on the piece of metal making sure all of them fit and have a bit of space in between the individual pieces. Then trace with your sharpie to transfer the design to the metal.
Step 4: Drilling
I find it easier and better to drill all the center holes on the material before cutting out the parts of the flower.
Step 5: Cutting Out the Parts
Take your tin snips and cut out the main parts out of the entire sheet. I usually cut them all out first then worry about the details after.
Step 6: Getting the Stem Ready
Put two nuts and a lock washer on the stem about an inch down from the top of where your Rose will sit.
Step 7: The Stack
Time to stack your rose.
Starting with the sepal the 5 pointed star.
Then the biggest 6 petal.
Both the other 6 Petal pieces.
Then the 5 petal.
Then the 3 petal.
After all the pieces of your flower are in place put 2 nuts on top to make sure the petals don't go anywhere.
Step 8: Lock Down the Flower
Use the 2 open ended wrenches to tighten the inner most nuts closest to the flower.
after that start at the top and lock down the top 2 nuts together.
Do the same with the bottom nuts
The second nuts and lock washer will ensure that the assembly will not get loose over time
Step 9: Bending With Pliers
After the flower is locked down start by bending the petals with the needle nose pliers on the top of the flower.
Then move to the next set of petals. Starting with one then moving around the flower.
Step 10: 6 Petal Flowers
The 6 petal layer is a little different. For ease of bending and to get more layers bend up 3 alternating petals at a time. There are ends up being 6 layers of petals bent to fill out the flower. Bending the petals in different ways makes it more organic looking.
Step 11: More Bending
Continue bending the petal layers. till all the petals look like a flower.
Step 12: Bend the Sepal
Then time to focus on the Sepal at the bottom. I usually bend the sepal in half to give the look of a rib that holds the leaves together. Then twist my pliers down the sides of the leaves to give the crinkly appearance. Finally bend the tips in different curls or straight just random in appearance to be more organic looking.
Step 13: Bend the Stem
Bending the stem helps to gives the illusion that the flower is more organic then it actually is. Also it looks better in a vase or stuck into the ground.
Step 14: Finished
Now its time to give it to some one you love or care about. This flower should last a long time and be prepared to make more because everyone will want one of your roses.