Introduction: Home Made CNC Router
Hey geeks, I was doing test cuts on my home made cnc and the results turned out satisfactory. So today I am sharing my build here.
Technical details:
● X-Y table Style.
● Bed size is 280x245mm and 100mm in height.
● I am using 3 nema 17 unipolar stepper motors. (Salvaged from photo copier machine)
● Threaded rod and normal nuts (Added two nuts to handle back lash).
● Drawer Slides for movement.
● Arduino with CNC shield v3.
● Banggood Spindle 3000 to 27000 rpm.
● 4mm 4 flute tool.
Step 1: Build Details
I used scrape board left from furniture work.
Bed is sandwich of two 7mm MDF sheet. I added T-nuts between two sheets for object holders.
Step 2: The Result
Cut result came out pretty awesome.
Step 3: Software
I am using fusion of multiple CAD/CAM software. I am using Inkscape for 2 designs, jsCut and Easel for milling path generation. And Universal GCode Sender to send the GCode to machine.