Introduction: Home Made Slipring for Wind Turbine

This is my first instructable so please be kind :)

Easy to make slipring for wind turbine

Items Used

2 small bearings (obtained from a kids scooter wheels)
2 lengths of wire (red and black(but is optional))
Electrical tape
Some kind of non conductive spacer( i used a rubber ring from a pack i got for £1)
a plastic bottle
Soldering iron (optional) was difficult to solder to the bearings

Step 1: Layout of Bearings and Ring

Here you will need the 2 bearings and the non conductive ring.

The centre hole in the ring needs to be bigger than the inner bearing so it doesn't rub when turned.

Place the ring in the middle of the two bearings and hold together with something ie a clamp.

Cut your red and black wires in half and solder 1 red wire to 1 bearing and 1 black wire to the other

Tightly wrap with electrical tape

Step 2: Finishing Off

This bits a bit tricky

Cut some strips from the bottle the same width as the bearings and ring, doesn't matter about length

Solder the other red and black wires to the inside of the bearings corresponding to the 2 that you just soldered.

wind up some of the plastic strip and insert it into the middle, this should then unwind to hold the wires in tightly. Insert more if needed.

At this point its done, but I would suggest checking the connections between all points before wiring it up.