Introduction: Home Security System

Imagine a world where barriers don’t exist where people have to buy multiple products to just feel safe in their own homes. They have to purchase smart night lights, fire alarms, motion sensors, and warning signals just to perceive that they are secure. These problems are in the past now with the new “ Multipurpose Homie Security System™️ ”. This system incorporates several features to make sure you and your loved ones can sleep in peace. A night light to make that late night drink of water free of falling. A fire alarm to sense a fire or quick rise in temperature before it’s to late. A screen where you could calmly tell your kids, a significant other, or roomates news or events coming up. Finally a motion sensor to make a sound when an intruder enters your home. In the United States alone there are roughly 2.5 million burglaries a year and homes without security are 300% more likely to be burglarized. Why take the risk? Simply invest in this new home security system.


Part List:

Arduino Omega 2560-$38


Bluetooth Module-$7

Three Distant Sensors-$3.90 (times 3)

LCD Compatible Arduino Board-$6

Piezo-$1.50 for cheap one

Tri-color anode-$2

Temperature Sensor-$3

Multiple Wires (male, female, male-male, female-female, and ribbons)

Step 1: LED

The Tri-Color LED Should have 4 wires 1 longer on and 3 equal length ones. Take the one that is by itself next to the longer one and plug it into the power or VCC on your arduino or bread board. Take the other one closest to the longer one and plug it into 5. Finally take the last one and plug it into 3.

Step 2: Photoresistor

Put one pin into the power on either the Arduino or bread board. Put the next pin into the ground finally put the last pin into Analog 0

Step 3: Piezo

Once again put the negative into ground. Then put the last pin into 8.

Step 4: Temperature Sensor

Put the plus into power put the minus into ground and the last pin into Analog 1

Step 5: Distance Sensors

Step 7- Plug all there distant sensors in VCC-into power GND into GND.

Then for the first 2 plug Trig into 22 and Echo into 24 the second Trig into 28 Echo into 30 and the third Trig into 50 and Echo into 52.

Step 6: Bluetooth Module and LCD

Plug the ground into the ground plug the Vcc into power the TXD into 10 and the RXD into 11 for further assembly watch the video.

For the LCD plug the SDA into 20 and the SCL into 21 with again the ground into ground and power into power

Step 7: Code