Introduction: Home Lighting Guaranteed Energy Saver!
Wouldn't it save an enormous amount of energy if we could all just remember to turn off the lights in our rooms at home or office 'after' we vacate them? You can achieve this magic by simply not having to touch a light switch! Here's how: Simply install inexpensive, night activated motion detectors on every lamp in your home and adjust them down to a minimum ON time of approximately one to two minutes maximum. As long as you are active in the room the lamp remains on. When you leave the room, the lamp turns itself off after a minute or two. This minimum time can be easily adjusted. Not only does it save energy but ensures safety in not having to fumble for a light switch in a dark room. If the the room is not dark, the lamp will not be activated. There is no step by step procedure required for this process (which I've been using for a couple years, even in the kitchen and bath), but I will use the step procedure to illustrate a couple typical motion sensors that can easily be installed either on the lamp housing itself or on a wall connection. '
Step 1: An Inexpensive Motion Detector That Connects to a Lamp
This shows both the screw in unit and the sensor connected to the lamp.
Step 2: Lamp With Shade Attached
This shows a typical lamp connection with the sensor on the lamp itself and the shade installed.
Step 3: Typical Wall Connected Sensor With Screw in Connector for Cord
These sensors are easily available at a minimal cost and can be mounted anywhere in the house. This one is located in a kitchen and powers a light over the sink.