Introduction: Homemade Beer or Baby Float. Chopeira Flutuante.

About: My favorite quotation is: “All you need in order to accomplish something great is a good idea and not quite enough money.” – Anon I live by that theme, and the ideas just keep coming.
It's summer. It's sizzling hot. It's time to float the river with your family, your fishing pole, and your beer with the all-new, make-it-yourself beer cooler and baby float!

This beer and baby float was designed for my nephew who just became a first-time father, LOVES artisan crafted beer, and lives in a town where a river runs through it.

OK, so it's politically incorrect to float both your beer and your baby at the same time. But it is a great way to float either your baby (with a shade canopy) or your lunch--watermelon, a pack of sandwiches, some sodas--down a lazy river on a hot afternoon.

The video below shows the step-by-step construction of this float.

List of Materials:

Two bicycle wheel rims
Six bicycle spokes and nuts
One bicycle brake pad or large gear
Three pool noodles
A mouse pad
One lumbar support (from the Dollar store)
A scrap of sheer outdoor fabric
Six broom hooks
Six 1 1/4" spacers
Six 2 1/2" screws with lock nuts
Two 1 1/2" screws with lock nuts
One bottle opener
A piece of string

I tried to test the float with a real baby, but when I went down to the river, all I could find were willing parents, not willing babies. The float was tested instead with an 18 lb watermelon and a doll. I'll post pics as soon as I get a real baby that likes cold water. I'm thinking this would "fit" babies 1-2 years old. Ish.


When you're done with your river float, you can turn this contraption into a floating garden for your pond.