Introduction: Homemade Clock With Arduino

Today I will show you how to make a homemade clock with an Arduino!

Step 1: Materials + Arduino Code Setup


-SMA420564 Seven Segment display

-At least 12 Sunfounder jumper cables

-Arduino Uno


-2 Buttons

-2 220 Ohm Resistors

-Source of Power with USB compatibility

-Box/Container (optional)

You will need to get the code for the Arduino at this website: (shout out to Keyu-Chen, he is a good guy for helping me with the code). Once you are there, you want to download it as a zip file and flash the Arduino with the code from the "digital_clock.ino" file.

Step 2: Assembly!

d1-13, d2-2, d3-11, d4-10, a-A0, b-A1, c-A2, d-A3, e-A4, f-7, g-6

Above is how the SEVSEG has to connect with the Arduino. I included an image of the SEVSEG and its pins.The bredboard is also an image here. The green cable goes into the 3.3v connection and the white cable in the negative rail goes into GND.

Step 3: Close-Up

The two-buttons control the hour and minute on the SEVSEG. To power it, take the coding cord, plug it into the Arduino, and then the other end into any power source with a USB. That should wrap this up! If you have any questions comment me down below and I will try to answer them as quick as I can. Have a fun time keeping time like a pro!