Introduction: Homemade Graduated Cylinder and Balance Scale

This is my homemade graduated cylinder and balance scale.All the materials can all be found in homes and are easy to make and simply to make.The materials you need for the balance scales is a cloths hanger,2 small cups,string and scissors. For the graduated cylinder you need a dunkins cup, paper,pen, scissors and tape.

Step 1: Step 1:Building Balance Scale

The first step to building your balance scale is getting your cloth hanger and your string. You want to tie your string to the bottom of the cloth hanger.Make sure the strings are secure and leave two ends of it out for the next step.(you can also use tape if your having trouble tying it)

Step 2: Step 2:Building Balance Scale

For step 2 you want to take your small cups make sure your cups are very light and plastic. You need to be very careful on this step you want to take your scissors and poke two holes in each side of your cup make sure there even.

Step 3: Step 3:Building Balance Scale

Now for step 3 make sure you have to ends of your string and the cups have their holes in them.Once you make sure you have those bring both ends of string through the holes to meet in the middle. Now tie them together or tape them make sure both are very secure.

Step 4: Step 4:Building Balance Scale

Now you have finished the balance scale hang it somewhere and test it out to make sure its sturdy and works. If not come back to my page and see if you made a mistake.

Step 5: Step 1: Building Graduated Cylinder

For step 1 on building graduated cylinder you want to grab your dunkins cup or any clear plastic cup and get your supplies ready.

Step 6: Step 2: Building Graduated Cylinder

For step 2 on building graduated cylinder you want to take your cup and careful cut the top off.Make sure you are carefully and only cut off enough to make it flat all the way up.

Step 7: Step 3:Building Graduated Cylinder

This step is two combined first you are making the ruler and second putting it on. When you make your ruler cut the paper two the top of your cup.Then carefully right down the measurements in millimeters and make sure its correct.Second you want to line up your paper and tape it on you ant to really tape it on there.

Step 8: Step 4:Building Graduated Cylinder

Now you have finished the graduated cylinder fill it with water somewhere and test it out to make sure it works. If not come back to my page and see if you made a mistake.